1401 Eye Street NW • Washington, DC • 20005 • (202) 408-7700
Types of Emergencies

An emergency may be defined as any immediate threat to life or limb, or danger of serious property damage.

Following is a list of situations which may be considered an emergency; requiring immediate action:

Fire-Related Emergencies:

  1. Evacuation
  2. Fire & Smoke Emergency
  3. Medical Emergency
Click on the emergency situation for which you would like more information. In addition, for your convenience, click here to downloade a printable version of the full set of Emergency Procedures.
Please Note: Appendixes for the Life Safety Plan are located in the Forms section of this Portal

Non-Fire Related Emergencies:

  1. Aircraft Disaster
  2. Armed Intruder/Workplace Violence
  3. Biological/Chemical Attack
  4. Bloodborne Pathogens
  5. Bomb Threat
  6. Civil Disturbances
  7. Earthquake
  8. Elevator Emergency
  9. Environmental Emergency
  10. Explosion
  11. Flood
  12. Hostage Situation
  1. Hurricane
  2. Major Natural Disasters
  3. Natural Gas Emergency
  4. Power Outage
  5. Radiation Release
  6. State of Alert
  7. Suspicious Mail or Packages
  8. Telecommunications Outage
  9. Tornado Emergency
  10. Utility Outages
  11. Water Interruption

Before reading further, please note that in a non-fire emergency, Property Management will NOT initiate a building evacuation unless directed to do so by emergency personnel or authorities.  In many instances, it may be safer to stay in the building than to leave.  Should a non-fire emergency occur, please consult with your floor warden, supervisor or office manager regarding your company’s response plan.  In the event that the non-fire related emergency is not isolated to this building, Property Management encourages you to stay tuned to local news for updates and directives from the authorities and to follow directives issued by the authorities.

A list of Sources of Emergency Information is provided as a link.  This list is not endorsed by Property Management, but, rather, was assembled to provide you with a list of sites or sources that have indicated that they will have timely information in the event of an emergency.  We encourage you to rely on sources with which you may be comfortable and which you have found to be reliable and to regard the attached Sources of Emergency Information as supplemental to what you consider your primary and most reliable sources of information.